The initial submission can be one of two things: either a “Proceedings” submission, which is 8 pages, or a “Findings” submission which is 4 pages. One major difference is that proceedings submissions are archival – and cannot be concurrent with other submissions, and must be unpublished work – while “Findings” submissions have no such requirement. Each track has different templates, listed here, under “Quick Submission Instructions”:
An “anonymized” pdf has no identifying information present in the submitted manuscript. This means removing author information, references to identifying institutions, and references to your prior work as “Our past work”, for example. These instructions apply to both Proceedings & Findings submissions. Please reach out if you have any additional questions!
Although we can’t meet with authors 1:1 or judge your work’s chance of being accepted, we welcome you to submit your work to ML4H if your topic fits under the general themes of our Symposium. There’s some additional guidance on this page:
We recommend you submit your work according to the Proceedings guidelines (8 pages) and it will automatically be considered for the Findings track. You will not be asked to reformat the 8 pages down to 4pgs since you’re already submitting to the longer track.
“Proceedings track submissions that are not accepted will automatically be considered for the Findings track. Findings track submissions cannot be considered for the Proceedings track. Decisions for both tracks will be released simultaneously.”
The submission must be formatted according to the specified ML4H paper format. In order to avoid auto desk-rejection due to incorrect formatting, please download the template we have provided for this year’s edition and not the old templates related to previous editions.
The author list can only be changed up until the paper deadline. After that, authors may be reordered, but any additions or removals must be justified in writing, and approved on a case-by-case basis by the program chairs only in exceptional circumstances. Note that author additions in order to revise submitted works after the deadline are prohibited.
Thanks for your interest! Please reach out to us at, and include your email.
Please check if the email associated with your OpenReview account is the same one we invited. If this does not work, reach out directly to OpenReview at for help troubleshooting this issue.
We will not have a bidding process. Each reviewer will indicate their expertise (subject areas and data modalities) on OpenReview, and each submission will also indicate their subject areas and data modalities. The organizing committee will use this information to match reviewers with submissions.
Yes, you may submit a paper and participate as a reviewer.
In person attendance isn’t required for any of the mentorship programs, but it is for the research roundtables.
Yes, we are now an independent symposium! Registration for the ML4H Symposium will open later in the Fall for those who are not submitting to the current paper or demo tracks.
We look forward to your submission to ML4H. We may have travel awards for attendees this year depending on the funds raised by the Symposium. More details will be released in mid-November.
Unfortunately, there are currently no plans to host an online mode of attendance.