Dr. Stephanie Hyland is a Principal Researcher in the Biomedical Imaging group at Microsoft Research’s Health Futures, based in Cambridge UK. Her research focuses on making machine learning useful for problems in healthcare, from modeling of physiological time series in the ICU to generating radiology reports with large multimodal models. Prior to joining the team at MSR Cambridge, Dr. Hyland completed her PhD at Cornell University/Weill Cornell Medicine/Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in Computational Biology and Medicine, and studied Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics at Trinity College Dublin (BA Mod.) and Cambridge University (Part III; MASt), where she was a Gates Cambridge scholar. Dr Hyland has served as the General Chair for the Machine Learning for Health (ML4H) Symposium and as an organizer of the AHLI Conference on Health, Inference and Learning (CHIL), among other academic associations.


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